Perfumes, Skincare, Makeup and Everything else.


  • What topics do you like to discuss? Since I work as a Kinder teacher, I love looking at growth and behaviours of the younger children. I like to discuss different strategies that can be used to improve overall well-being of the children.

  • When is the last time you took a risk? How did it work out? It was a long time ago when I was applying for my permanent residency in the country where I had studied for almost 3 years. Well, I don’t know if I will get the reward but hopefully things will work out…

  • Write about a time when you didn’t take action but wish you had. What would you do differently? I wish I could change so many things in my life. One of them being –  the decisions I took for myself. I wish I had more foresight and understanding  that  delaying things  will affect what I…

  • What makes you nervous? Well one of the few things that makes me nervous is failure. Failing at a task scares me to the point that I can’t even function properly. I disconnect myself from the world. How do I overcome this? By engaging myself in something that I like. Which is reading books, sometimes…

  • How do you unwind after a demanding day? I think one of the few things I do to unwind myself is by taking a warm shower. I also do some self-care by using face and hair mask. You can check my blog for DIY recipes. Other than that I would watch some videos on YouTube…